Rich calorie foods are those that which gives you very high protein and provides you good nutrition were people tends to eat for rich calories and brings lots of protein into their body and provides good health keeps their immune system so they can fight with the outer problems and any type of viruses which attacks from inside also , so it always good to have some awareness that what should we eat , which will provide you good health , how it will help for your future to stay you fit.

It provides people with energy and keeps their bodies functioning. That’s why it’s essential to keep a balance between the number of calories consumed and the number of calories burned every day. The daily intake of calories depends on age, sex, metabolism, and physical activity levels, among others. The recommended intake is generally 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men.

High-calorie foods provide one with more energy and nutrition than low-calorie foods. There are a myriad of reasons why one would start consuming high-calorie foods. Someone with a medical condition or malnutrition should incorporate high-calorie food into their daily meal plans. 

However, rather than selecting such foods randomly, it is good to take the advice of a nutritionist. A person with a weak constitution or a person recovering from an illness may also turn to high-calorie foods to re-energise themself.


                          "CALORIE IS A SIMPLE MEASURE OF ENERGY"
